Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

How long will be wedding film be?

Most of our wedding films fall within 3-7 minutes.

Do you offer shorter versions of the film for social media?

Yes we do! Add it on your contact page.

Do you travel?

We totally travel! Contact us and we’ll provide more info!

How many videographers will be at my wedding?

We typically have three shooters and a decently minimal set up.

Will you cover the whole wedding?

Yes! We are hired for 6-8+ hours.

Do you provide any raw clips?

We do ! In every package we include a raw clip of the ceremony.

Are you insured?

You sure are! If your venue requires it please make us aware.

How will I receive and share the film?

All films are delivered on a digital drive that can be accessed through a custom domain.This domain can be sent to family and friends for easy download.